Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Dead Devil in the Freezer

I recently went on line to research the lyrics of the R.E.M. song, "What's the Frequency, Kenneth?" because, for some reason, the song had gotten stuck into my head.  I was tired of hearing the made-up nonsense words running around in there, so I figured, if it's going to get stuck there, I might as well know the real words.  Perhaps it would get unstuck.

Well, much to my horror and surprise, I actually had the correct lyrics.  I was sure that the second imagined phrase, "is your Benzadrine" had to be incorrect.  It's not.  I even checked multiple sites to make sure.  I did have some incorrect words in other places... who would have thought the words were "you wore a shirt of violent green" and not "you wanna shout, vi-o-lent-ly.".  I have now read the alleged background of the song, and, though I now know the official lyrics, the song is still utter nonsense to me. I'm almost a little disappointed.

Anyway, it got me to thinking about the very wrong lyrics that we sing in our heads on occasion.  There are websites and commercials devoted to this stuff, so this is nothing new, but, it always gives me a good laugh.
My brother in law Dave and I have discussed and giggled on this topic many a time; apparently, these mis-hearings are referred to as "mondegreen's."  Look it up.

I don't know if any of you remember the movie, "Jumpin' Jack Flash," but one of the funniest scenes is when Whoopi Goldberg's character is trying to sort out the words to the Rolling Stones' song (also the movie title) and is having a very rough go of it ("..speak English, Mick!").  I did an intense amount of on-line searching and was very sad that I could not find an actual clip of this scene; however, there is a rather fun site out there which will ease your frustration by defining, officially, what we mis-hear.


Having said that, I'm just going to list here a few of my personally known misheard lyrics, generally a compilation of my own bad stuff, and other items mentioned by Dave, random friends, relations, and co-workers.  Some of you may recognize your own work here.  We'll make this fun and I'll just list the incorrect words, and you can try to figure out the correct songs to which they belong.

"If everybody had a nose job..."
"I wanna... I wanna....I wanna (ow!) baa-byyyyy...."
"All the boys... think she's a spaz....she's got...(title of song)"
"I'm a pool hall aaa-ace....."
"She's got electric boobs, a mohair shoe...." (I think that's a common one)
"Wake me up, and pour me cocoa...."
"Mama, if Dad's movin' up, then I'mmmmm.....(title of song)"
"How's about a daa-aate..."
"Dirty deeds, dun-der-chee..." (what is dun-der-chee? No idea.)
"A year has passed since I broke my nose.."

And, some quotes from a website which gave me a laugh:

"I used to think the song Secret Agent Man was actually secret Asian man.  I was singing along in the car when my mom started laughing and told me it was agent, like James Bond, not Asian.  I had always wondered how a person could secretly be Asian...."

"My father, as a young boy, misunderstood some of the lyrics in Roger Millers 'King of the Road.'
Actual words:  Trailer, for sale or rent...
He heard:  Trailer, for sailorettes (as in, female sailors!)"
(I think I used to hear that, as well)

From the Spenser collection:
"I like that song, Mommy.  The one about the dragons in love?"
I didn't bother to try to explain that the words from "I'll Be" (by Ed McCain) were "trappings of love," and not about dragons, thus, that song is now known as the "Dragons in Love" song.

And finally, the title of this post is the misheard title of the Bruce Springsteen song, "10th Avenue Freezeout," and was brought to you by an ex-coworker of mine.

I know, I know, this wasn't the most exciting or unique post, but I guess I was just in that kind of mood.
Below you'll find the "correct" words to the above mis-heards, as well as a link for the quotes (I was excited to see some of my mis-heards in there).  I'm also going to link a YouTube video, of which the beginning had me with tears in my eyes.  *WARNING* The video contains some swear words and some slightly inappropriate content.

http://ask.yahoo.com/20010619.html (this is just... bizarre)

Correct lyrics:
"If everybody had a NOTION....." (Surfin' USA)
"HOLD... HOLD... HOLD (random noise) Meeeee-eeeee"  (Hold Me)
"All the boys think she's a SPY..." (Bette Davis Eyes)
"How my POOR HEART ACHES...." (Every Breath You Take) (creepy stalker, Sting)
"She's got electric BOOTS, a mohair suit..." (Bennie and the Jets)
"Wake me up, BEFORE YOU GO-GO...." (same title)
"Mama, if THAT'S movin' up, then I'm movin' out" (Movin' Out) (he must have a really mean Dad)
"EYES WITHOUT A FACE....." (same title) (I thought it odd that Billy Idol was being so gentlemanly and 1940's sounding....)
"Dirty deeds, DONE DIRT CHEAP..." (same title) (on a related note, my mother wouldn't let me wear an AC/DC shirt a friend have given me because it implied that I "swung both ways."  I was like, 10, and the arguments that the shirt referred to a band, and could also refer to electricity, did not fly.)
"A year has passed since I WROTE MY NOTE...." (Message in a Bottle)

Website quotes (this is actually a pretty funny website when you click some of the links):

YouTube video (it's worth it just to see the first three.... the rest, meh) (remember, kiddies, there are some bad words in this one...)

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