Friday, August 3, 2012


So, I was feeling a little bored, and simultaneously looking for some "inspiration" for my next post, and decided to force myself to watch some on line shows which I knew would get my blood boiling, or at least pumping at a faster rate.

Now, I admit that I have been sucked in to some reality type shows, much to my embarrassment and chagrin.  I have questioned myself as to the basis of my "fascination" with some of these shows (mainly "Real" Housewives types of shows), because often I spend the entire time complaining to myself (and sometimes aloud, to my cat) about how awful these women look and behave.

One show I have never watched past a first full episode is that of the "Bachelor" series.  I think the Bachelor was first, then the Bachelorette?  I don't know, and I'm sure I do not care.  I remember the first time watching the show, and being mortified about most of the details, from the whole cheesy rose ceremony thing (uggghh) and the fact that women were crying about being in love with some dude who was basically in a harem situation, who they had known for perhaps one or two days.

The last series of which I was aware involved a single Mother, and I have heard snippets here and there of other single Mothers on these shows, and I am pretty much disgusted about the whole thing.  I have some pretty strict ideas of what a Mother should be, particularly if she is unmarried, and none of them include her being hot, rich, or making out with various Men on television.  But that's for another time.

This particular show ("The Bachelor Pad") involves Men and Women from previous seasons of the other two shows I mentioned, along with some "Fans" thrown into the mix.  I had no idea of who these people were, I was actually assuming the show was an unrelated thing involving a bunch of handsome a$$hole guys hanging out in a huge house and doing who knows what.  Which I guess, is somewhat accurate, just add in some "attractive" a$$hole gals.

First of all, the amount of makeup these women wear is staggering.  Now don't get me wrong, I love makeup, it can be fun, and it, at the very least, can give you the appearance of not being ill.  However.  False eyelashes worn during an athletic challenge (or swimming/hot-tubbing) just seems a little ridiculous to me.  Their penciled eyebrows, day-glo teeth, tons of blush and eyeshadow are just.... what the heck?  The one young "lady" who is considered "the girl next door" (I guess, if you live near a brothel....) is shown riding a horse with a lacy type of shirt, and full makeup.  I don't know, I thought "girl next door" meant braids, freckles, and natural beauty.  Granted, this girl is quite attractive, and looks to have mostly natural body parts, but, come on.

Two of the women (both blondes....grrrrrr), who I suppose must be considered attractive (???) are just. Not.  One (and yes, I'm getting the claws out, and I don't care) has a very strange mouth, and I'm presuming it is because she has had lip injections or something of that ilk.  Only the bottom part of her mouth moves when she speaks, and it's always in this frowning sort of way, where the ends never curl up.  It doesn't even look like a snooty, aristocratic thing, it looks almost school-marmish.  Way to go, pretty girl.  She is also under some impression that she is above the "Fans" who have joined the show, that she "deserves" to be there more than they.  Okay.

The other woman has the longest, thinnest nose I have ever seen, perhaps even rivaling Michael Jackson.  I know that I've written posts regarding finding the hidden beauty in all of us,  and that there is something beautiful about every person on this Earth, even if you have to struggle to see it.  I am sure there is something beautiful on this "lady", but the fact that she is so un-pretty in her words and actions, and the fact that she is imagined to be pretty, find me hard-pressed to follow my own admonitions.  I just don't get it, folks.

I understand that these Men and Women do not represent the entire World.  I understand that people want to look at "attractive" humans, and that the drama factor is important.  The girl next door (the original one) is far too boring, and likely doesn't do cartwheels in a dress with her hoohaa hanging out.  No, this isn't the World, but a large number of us watch these shows.

The Men, while mostly being jerks, are at least "natural."  If they are wearing makeup, it's very subtle (and would likely be a little odd if it were applied heavy handedly).  Yes, they all have attractive physiques and attractive features.  It's a result of good genes, and working out at the gym.  It's likely not a result of obvious surgeries and layers of makeup.

I remember Dr. Laura Schlessinger (don't hate) once talking about how, in Nature, it was usually the male of the species who did the attracting.  They had prettier gear (brighter plumage and such), they fought other males, they did special dances in order to get the girl.  It seems that females have taken the mating ritual to newer and false-r heights, and it's actually rather sad that their perceived attractiveness is not about genes, but about alterations and coverups.  They're not going to pass on their big boobs and lips to their offspring.  They will pass on their hawk-hooked noses and flat chests, however.  Of course, this show has nothing to do with producing offspring, I know.  It's about sex, not the perpetuation of the species.

Anyway, I've gone on long enough for today.  I have a ton more to say on related topics, so stay tuned for that.  This one show is fodder for at least ten other posts.  I'm off to clean the barn in my false eyelashes and wedge shoes.  Ciao!

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