
Well, this is a subject to which I'm sure most of us can relate.

These posts will cover that thing which sucks up most of our time spent being alive (as well as our mental fortitude), sustains ourselves and our families, and, for the fortunate few, creates feelings of joy and fulfillment.

Unless you have the luck to be born royal, or have a huge inheritance, working is something you will likely be forced to do, pretty much, until you're dead.  In general, there is no avoiding it, and, if you really never came up with a plan (or even if you did), it has the potential to suck the very life from your marrow.

In this topic I will explore why it sucks for most of us, whether there is a way around the suckiness, if it can provide meaning and hope in our lives, and whether there are legal/moral ways to survive without having to do it.  I'm not referring to the concept of work, such as working in your garden or working on a project which will produce actual beneficial results; this is more about working for someone else, and doing it because there is no other choice.  I know that "working" is a fact of life.  We have to do it to survive.  But is there a rule that it has to be horrible?  Unfulfilling?  Demeaning?  Boring?  Depressing?

We are taught that working hard produces results.  For most of us, the result is a paycheck, and that's it.  Often, it's not even that great of a paycheck.  So, let's chat about what we endure to achieve that result.

Posts on the topic: