Sunday, June 3, 2012

Is It Just Me? Post #1

(Random post before starting new theme!)

Is It Just me......

Or does the doorbell always ring when you're half naked and just waking up from a nap?

Or is it a universal fact that you can find every variety and size of screwdriver in your junk drawer except for the one you actually need to secure the 87 pound air conditioner in the window when it is 96 degrees and you should have done this last week?

Or do we all own slightly bent butter knives because of this fact?

Or does the vacuum cleaner purposefully avoid picking up the one piece of lint in the middle of the floor, because it is far more attracted to the curtains, the hidden sock under the couch, the invisible paper clip, and the tablecloth?

Or do all cats (and dogs, too) decide to puke only on rugs that are freshly washed and clean?

Or is there a masked bandit about, pilfering the covers to our Tupperware bowls, who only leaves the two covers which don't actually match anything in our cabinets?

Or is it a scientific fact that there is no such thing as an empty laundry basket?

Or is it also a scientific fact that the kitchen sink can remain empty, but only for the length of .03 seconds?

Or do white clothes always get the unremovable stains?

Or does the same &$#@%@! car alarm go off every night just as everyone is finally falling asleep?  Ditto for the dog with the same. exact. staccato. bark (with not even a random howl thrown in), who has been quiet all day?  And the guy who rides his $^(#)@#@! motorcycle down the street at 87 m.p.h.?

Or do all housepets decide that the best time to cozy up to you is when your house is still 96 degrees and you were just starting to feel slightly un-sweaty?

Or do housekeys only get tangled/lost/dropped when your bladder is bursting and you have 7 bags of groceries in hand?

Or is it weird that a person would want to specialize in proctology?

Or is "anemone" not one of the coolest words, in existence?

Or does Angry Birds cheat?  And Solitaire, too, now I think of it.

I don't know, maybe it is just me.

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