Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I was speaking to a friend recently, and we were discussing some of our mutual on-line acquaintances.  I mentioned that there was a particular female I disliked, because she had a mouth like a truck driver.  I went on further to say that, sexist as I am, I am more offended when females talk trash like that, because I feel that:

(A) they should know better, and
(B) I am embarrassed for (womanhood) them

Now I will say that I am all for occasional swearing, male or female, in the right company.  I don't really consider "shit" to be an overly bad swear word.  Of course, you wouldn't use it, in, say, an interview with a potential employer.  Otherwise, it's not so bad.  Slightly impolite, but not going to Hell worthy.

The f-word is okay in some circumstances, as well.  Again, in the right company.  And by that, I mean, with a close friend or friends, a spouse, a relative who is close to your age, and in a non-public place.  And the context is important, as well.  "I can't find my f-cking keys" is somewhat okay.  Using the word to describe a sexual act is not.

To reiterate, it's not occasional swearing I'm talking about here, it's using the f-word as every other descriptive, using it in mixed company (strangers, children, parents, whoever), and making no apologies for it.

This post is not going to be simply concerning females who swear like sailors (poor truck drivers and sailors... such bad reps..), but completely, about females who have no clue as to what comprises ladylike behavior.

I guess I should kind of go into what is considered "sexy" these days.  Things that once were considered naughty were considered so, because it was a rarer thing to behold.  If a woman used a swear word in a "heat of the moment" situation (I'll let you interpret that one at will), it was considered sexy.  If her dress flew up in the air on a windy day and you could see her underwear, it was sexy.  If a woman raised an eyebrow or winked in your direction, it was sexy.

I ask you, if every other word is the f-word, if you can already view multitudes of underwear with no wind present (thongs), and a wink is replaced by a hand on the crotch,  where is the sexy?  To me, sexy is more about being subtle, and today it seems there is about .02% subtlety present in the female population.

Some of this is blamed on the "role models" girls grow up with these days.  Me, I blame it more on the parents.  If you don't buy your daughter the belly shirt with the word "DIRTY" imprinted upon it, guess what?  She won't be wearing it.  I'm not saying parents should buy peasant blouses and ankle length skirts, but for Pete's sake, show a little backbone and restraint.  And if she goes out and buys it for herself, burn it.

On that same subject, it seems that many females today don't seem to care if something looks grossly unattractive according to their body types.  The "muffin top" is present everywhere.  Everywhere!!! I'm not sure when fat rolls became fashionable, but, I'm pretty sure that they shouldn't be.  Ever.  I agree that one should "suffer" a little to be "beautiful", but these outfits look constricting, painful, and do not enhance the beauty of the wearer in any sense of the word.  Some of these females don't even look like they would have fat rolls, if they just went up one size in the waist.  It's just like the flip flop thing.  Taking an unattractive feature and attempting to make it look sexy.  Feet are gross.  Fat rolls aren't pretty, either.

I'd like to address now the fact that excessive cleavage seems to be au courant as well.  I'm not exactly sure where all this cleavage came from, because I know, growing up, there was usually one girl in class with big boobs, and the rest had to wait until they were 17.  Now, they're everywhere, starting at age 10.  My brother in law insists it's the bovine growth hormones in cows/milk that has caused this phenomenon.  I don't know if it's that, or the creation of the WonderBra, but females are busting out all over, and making no attempt to tame "the girls."  In one slight bending over maneuver, males have full viewing access to boobs, crack-enhancing underwear, and rolls.  This is not subtle, this is not ladylike.

Back in the old days, males had to work to woo a lady and to have access to her intimate details.  And by intimate details, I mean the name of her parents, and possibly her ankles.  Now, they can get full view of everything before they've even said hello.

Unfortunately, I do not believe there is any sort of fix available for this problem.  Until parents start taking control of their little ladies, and start setting better examples (having your topless photo on the "Single Moms Gone Wild" website is not one of them), I fear that, along with true Gentlemen, the idea of the true Lady will become completely extinct.

I can only hope that, with the prevalence of such in-your-face behavior, that there will be a complete turnaround in thinking where Men (and Women) are concerned.  That, perhaps, subtle will be the new sexy.  That Men will search for the elusive Lady in the sea of boobs and thongs, and that Women will adjust accordingly.

My son used to tell me that it was hard to find one "good girl" in a school system with hundreds in every grade level.  Perhaps there will be a slow turnaround for the better.  Then again, I tried to raise a gentleman. What is the rest of the world doing?  Grow a backbone, parents.

And to the Women out there, grow some self-respect.  Subtle is Sexy.  Make that your new mantra.

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